by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
Do your students struggle with telling time? Our math curriculum only teaches telling time over a couple of lessons and it is just not enough for 2nd grade students to be successful. So I changed things up. I teach telling time throughout the school year. I use...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
Learning how to recognize the coins and how to count money can be hard for students. If you think you will just teach them about it once and that students will get it, you will probably be disappointed. I like to introduce the coins in a fun way and then give students...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Math Fact Fluency
I like to do a math warm up before our regular math lesson in my 2nd grade classroom. It’s a great way to review and to pre-teach math concepts. My favorite one to do everyday is a math problem a day routine. Today I thought I would share how to consistently do the...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Math Fact Fluency, Uncategorized
As elementary teachers we are required to teach the standards. But hey, we are elementary teachers! We want to do all the cute art and crafts as well. I do arts and crafts quite a bit in my 2nd grade classroom and I don’t feel guilty about it at all. That’s because I...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
Subtraction can be tricky for 2nd grade students. But add in double digit subtraction with regrouping and 2nd grade students can get lost. That’s why I’m sharing 3 double digit subtraction with regrouping 2nd grade tips so no student fails. I’ve learned that...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
Our brains love patterns. Patterns can be a helpful strategy and resource for young children to use. To help 1st and 2nd grade students understand the patterns of place value we often have them work with a hundreds chart. Once students learn these patterns they can...