by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
When it comes to 2 digit subtraction, I like to teach students the meaning behind why we do the things that we do. It’s not just rote memorization of steps. By teaching the meaning behind it, students truly understand if they need to regroup on not by quickly looking...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
I know that sometimes worksheets in the classroom can get a bad wrap. Sometimes worksheets are used as time fillers and don’t have much of a purpose. But personally, I love worksheets, especially for math. At my school, we don’t get a lot of prep time. So having...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Math Fact Fluency
If young students struggle with fact fluency, then it’s likely it will affect the rest of their math abilities. Math facts are the foundation for higher level math. That is why I like to teach my 2nd grade students math fact fluency strategies. These are so helpful to...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
Let’s face it. Math word problems can be tricky for students and adults trying to teach them. I have always considered myself a math person, but some of the math word problems in our 2nd grade curriculum confused me. But then I figured out that there are different...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Math Fact Fluency, Uncategorized
You may have noticed that if you just have students practice timed tests with math facts that it gets really repetitive and boring for students. That is the very reason I started doing a 10 minute daily math center time in my classroom. So today I thought I would...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Holiday Activities, Uncategorized
December can be a busy month in the classroom. But I love it because I like to incorporate Christmas themed things into our academics. It makes it more engaging and exciting for students. Plus, I think it’s a lot of fun! So today I thought I would share 5 math...