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What are Doubles Facts?

What are Doubles Facts?

It’s the doubles baby. Let’s go, let’s go! In this blog post, I will be sharing what are doubles facts and why they help students learn their addition and subtraction math facts. I love using math fact strategies because they give meaning behind the numbers and facts....
Meaningful Classroom Setup Ideas

Meaningful Classroom Setup Ideas

Classroom Setup When I got hired on as a first year teacher, I was so eager to get into the classroom and start setting things up! Little did I know there was so much that went into classroom setup. I wish I had someone tell me “Get these things ready for your...
How to Make Math Facts Fun

How to Make Math Facts Fun

Math Fact Fun Let’s not just drill our students on their math facts with timed tests, let’s bring in math fact fun! I believe math fact practice should be fun and meaningful! So I’m sharing three ideas of math fact activities that you can do with your students plus...