by | | Math Fact Fluency, Uncategorized
Whether you are teaching in person, online, or hybrid, you know how important it is to get your students math fact practice. Then need to become fluent in addition and subtraction math facts in order to meet standards and have success later on with harder math...
by | | 2nd Grade Math, Uncategorized
2-Digit Addition When it comes to 2-Digit Addition Strategies, we want students to understand the numbers, we don’t want them just following rote rules. We want students to find the strategy that makes sense to them and then use it. However, teaching students 2-digit...
by | | Math Fact Fluency, Uncategorized
It is one of our goals as teachers to help students memorize basic math facts. But what is the best way to do that? Some students just have a hard time memorizing. You could drill your students on timed tests and flashcards, but I find that just frustrates my...
by | | Classroom Management, Uncategorized
Sometimes it can be hard coming up with first day of school activities. My first year of teaching there was just so much to do that my plans for the first day of school were pushed to the back of my priorities list. This left me at school until 8pm trying to think of...
by | | Classroom Management, Uncategorized
For me, classroom agreements are a little different than just your classroom rules. Classroom Agreements set the culture of your classroom. They are more like a classroom social contract. What do you want your class to be known for? What will classmates always do? If...