Using Patterns in Addition as a strategy is so important for 1st grade and 2nd grade students. When students are able to see and use relationships between numbers to solve math facts, they are well on their way to math fact fluency. When students don’t use strategies,...
When it comes to behavior management, I like to break it down into three different categories: whole group rewards, small group rewards, and individual rewards. With individual rewards, I don’t like to spend money on a bunch of candy or dollar store toys. I use...
Using the counting on strategy is a key step for students to move to math fact mastery. Students first need to use counting strategies. As they become more fluent with counting strategies, they will begin to use reasoning strategies. When students use reasoning...
When it comes to math, some students get it right away. And for others, they struggle. They may lack confidence. They may even have math anxiety. They get worried about not being fast enough with math. They don’t solve math problems because they are afraid of failing....
It’s getting to be spring time, and you may have noticed that your students are getting the “Spring Crazies.” I have found that in the spring time, I need to plan extra engaging lessons for my students. I like to do that with fun easter math worksheets and...
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